An “import wxversion” error when installing PlayOnLinux

An “import wxversion” error when installing PlayOnLinux

When you wish to try to install PlayOnLinux on Linux, you can see the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 31, in <module>

import wxversion

ImportError: No module named wxversion

./playonlinux: line 144: python2.6: command not found

PlayOnLinux is written in Python, so you should have installed Python on your system. However, it’s not enough. Some people say that your installed Python isn’t 2.6 and it’s the problem. No, you should only install python-wxWidgets (and maybe wxpython if you still see the error). And then, just go to the folder with PlayOnLinux and write in the console:


Your PlayOnLinux should start now. Maybe you will be forced to install other things like Windows fonts or Wine. Do everything what PlayOnLinux wants. Remember, with PlayOnLinux, you can start Unity3D. Go to the link:

I got some problem when installing Unity3D with Wine and gave up, but now I’ll try again. I hope you will be successful too.

2 thoughts on “An “import wxversion” error when installing PlayOnLinux

    1. Dave

      whoops, sorry, I meant to say I installed python-wxWidgets using Yast. I am on OpenSuse 12.3 64bit version.


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