Tag Archives: game development

How to Fix a Corrupted Unreal Engine Project

Maybe it is easier than it is done under Unity 3D.

1/ Found the corrupted Unreal project

2/ Go into the project folder

3/ Delete Microsoft Visual Studio Solution

4/ Delete Visual Studio Solution User Options

5/ Go to the Binaries folder

6/ Delete the whole subfolder (I have the Win64 folder because I use the 64-bit system)

7/ Get out from the Binaries folder

8/ Right click on the Unreal Engine Project File and choose Switch Unreal Engine version (if the corrupted project was made with an older version)

8/ Right click on the Unreal Engine Project File and choose Generate Visual Studio project files

9/ VS project files are generated again (Microsoft Visual Studio Solution and Visual Studio Solution User Options)

10/ Go to Epic Game Launcher and launch the corrupted project

11/ You will see Missing Project modules info window and just click Yes to rebuild

12/ The corrupted project will be opened and I hope it has been fixed and ready to use

Unreal Engine 4 Set Up for Programming in Visual Studio 2013

There are many tutorials and other info in the Internet, but no concrete and fast tips for people who are experienced developers and only need to start using the Unreal environment for making games.

You need:

1/ Unreal Engine 4

2/ Visual Studio Community 2013

3/ Visual Studio 2013 SDK

You do:

1/ Install Visual Studio 2013

2/ Install Visual Studio 2013 SDK

3/ Install Unreal Engine 4

4/ Follow the steps: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Development/VisualStudioSetup/UnrealVS/index.html

5/ Run Unreal Engine 4 and choose the project template with C++ code not with blueprints

6/ Your chosen project should be open in Visual Studio 2013

7/Now, the Unreal power is in your hand if you are an experienced programmer.