Lina Rich Text Editor

Lina Rich Text Editor

Our new product – Lina Rich Text Editor

Free for all non-commercial users. Write formatted text, insert graphics and build complicated tables. It’s easy to work with files.


 Available to download at:

Using SimpleScreenRecorder on OpenSuse 13.1

Using SimpleScreenRecorder on OpenSuse 13.1

It’s hard to find a quick tutorial for using SSR on Linux, so I write one. This configuration is used by me.

If you wish to record something on your desktop with microphone and then use it both under Windows and Linux, you should make some settings in SSR.

In Audio Input,  you should choose:

1/ PulseAudio because it’s more useful than ALSA or JACK

2/ Source: I use the option without “Monitor of” (I can’t record my voice with the “Monitor of” option – no voice recorded from my microphone)

As to codecs,  you should choose:

1/ Container: AVI

2/ Video: WMV2

3/ Audio: WMAV2

This configuration is useful because:

1/ You can use your microphone with no problem

2/ Those codecs cooperate with Windows software

3/ The quality of video and audio is very good

4/ It’s supported by most software

Warning: When you record with using a laptop, you have to choose between internal and external microphone. In Windows, you can choose at the moment of your plugging a headphone and microphone. In Linux, it’s not so easy. To do that, you should install pavucontrol. It’is a simple GTK based volume control tool (I use it with KDE). Run pavucontrol. You should see the window with options that control Pulse Audio. You should be especially interested in Input Devices and Output Devices.

If you wish to use the internal microphone, just select this option. If you wish to plug the headphone and microphone, just select the external microphone. Using the external microphone is a better solution because when you record using the laptop speaker only, there will be much background noise.

However, you can have still problem with background noises when you try to record with full volume. I think the 80% of volume during recording with microphone is the best.

Debugowanie gry w Unity3D z MonoDevelop\Game Debugging in Unity3D with MonoDevelop

Debugowanie gry w Unity3D z MonoDevelop\Game Debugging in Unity3D with MonoDevelop

In Polish:

1/ Uruchomione Unity3D i MonoDevelop

2/wstawienie pułapek (breakpoints) do kodu w MonoDevelop, w miejscu, gdzie podejrzewamy buga

3/ MonoDevelop: Run -> Attach to Process

4/ Pojawia się okno wyboru procesów do dodania

5/ Klikamy proces naszego Unity3D -> Attach

6/ Teraz Unity debugger jest dołączony do MonoDevelop

7/ Klikamy Play w Unity3D

8/ Kiedy dojdzie wykonanie programu gry do pułapki, następuje przerwanie gry (w pułapce strzałka)

9/ Teraz możemy stosować step over, step into i step out

In English:

1/ Start Unity3D and MonoDevelop

2/Insert breakpoints you want

3/ MonoDevelop: Run -> Attach to Process

4/ We see the window with processes to add

5/ Click the process for Unity3D -> Attach

6/ Now Unity Debugger is attached to MonoDevelop

7/ Click Play in Unity3D

8/ When the game runs a breakpoint, the game is paused (you can see an arrow in the breakpoint)

9/ Now you can use step over, step into and step out just like in other IDEs

TeamViewer 9 Connection Problems on Linux (OpenSuse 13.1)

TeamViewer 9 Connection Problems on Linux (OpenSuse 13.1)

When you start your TV on your system and you see dashes instead of numbers (Your ID and Password), you can be sure that your TV client have no connection to the TV servers. Yes, it can be caused by many reasons.

I got the info form the TV Support:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for your email.

Not being able to generate a TeamViewer ID or password is often related to TeamViewer not being able to make a connection to our master servers.
Common causes for this problem are firewalls, proxy servers & content filtering programs or a combination of either.

To ensure that your TeamViewer connects to our master servers, you may need to configure your software firewall (Windows Firewall for example) to allow the TeamViewer application to make outbound connections. The same rule applies to any third-party firewall you have installed manually.

If your configuration appears fine, you may need to manually configure your modem/router to allow outbound TCP connections on port 5938. To do this, please contact your modem/routers manufacturer for more information.
Please also unblock the following URL:
Please let me know the outcome and what resolves your issue. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reply.

However, it’s impossible that I have one of these problems. All has been checked and TV8 worked with no problems with this configuration of my system. So what’s wrong?

The problem started with changing TV8 to TV9. So the problem is in TV9. And I remove TV9 from my system. You should delete all from your system. After having uninstalled TV9, it’s good to check if there are still some remnants. Use the command:

find / -iname teamviewer

Now, you can get all information of TV remnants in your system. Remove all manually if you see still something. It’s good to have a clean environment for installing TV8 again.

Restart your system. Install TV8. It should work (you shouldn’t see the dashes any more). If not, you can restart the TV daemon.

When you run

teamviewer — help

in the console, you will get all the options you need. Use this command:

teamviewer –daemon restart

Now, you should start your TV and have the connection to the servers. Consequently, you are able to connect to your partner’s computer.

Conclusion: I think there’s a bug in TV9 (a Linux version), so if you have any problems with connection in TV9, just come back to TV8. It works for me.

Ubiq – a MySQL Reporting and Analytics Tool for Business Users

Ubiq – a MySQL Reporting and Analytics Tool for Business Users

If you use MySQL databases and you don’t want to deal with programming, just try Ubiq out.

This project can be very interesting for persons who work in business. It’s good for your intranet or cloud in your company. Of course, you should have MySQL installed on you system first.

To get it, please go to the website:

Create your account. Now, you will be able to download Ubiq for your platform. I use Linux (openSuse), so I chose the rpm package.

As soon as you download Ubiq, unpack and go into the directory. You should make the file executable, so run the command:

poganin@linux-7tpy:~/Pobrane/ubiq_linux_rpm> sudo chmod +x

Now, you can ready to start Ubiq. First, you have to configure it:

linux-7tpy:/home/poganin/Pobrane/ubiq_linux_rpm # ./

Select action for ubiq agent:


1. Configure agent

2. Start agent

3. Stop agent

4. Check status of agent

5. Add/Remove database connections in agent

6. Remove agent

7. Update agent

8. Reset database connections

9. Quit

Select option(1-9):


User authentication


Enter EMAIL used for signup at Ubiq(q to quit):

PASSWORD used for signup(q to quit):


Enter database details


Name of database:


Host( or remote ip or url):

Port(leave blank for default):


Username of database user:






Ubiq started successfully!

Setup complete

Press 0 to see menu again,1 to exit


linux-7tpy:/home/poganin/Pobrane/ubiq_linux_rpm #

Let’s create your first project

Entr project name:


Click Save

Enter Dashboard Title:


Save again

You should see:

Dashboard created successfully

Click Add View

You see the Dashboard, with which you can review your data in many ways. You can save the chart and export the current Dashboard as a image or share a link with other people. It’s a great solution.

So now you are ready to use Ubiq for your databases. Without knowing MySQL syntax, just dragging and dropping, you can see all your data in the ways you like.  To get more info, please go to:

For me, it works well. I haven’t got any bugs or other problems. In other words, ready for business.

“The Type or Namespace ‘GTK’ could not be found” error – MonoDevelop on Linux

“The Type or Namespace ‘GTK’ could not be found” error – MonoDevelop on Linux

MonoDevelop 3.0.6
GTK# 2.12
openSuse 13.1

When you press F5 to build and get this error in MonoDevelop, just go to:

Project -> Your Project name Options -> Build -> General

You probably see:

Target Framework: Mono /.Net 3.5

Change it to:

Target Framework: Mono /.Net 4.0

Do all what MonoDevelop wants from you. Now, your project has no errors during building.