JAR Libraries Missing in Order and Export Tab in Eclipse IDE

 JAR Libraries Missing in Order and Export Tab in Eclipse IDE

You can get an error in Eclipse IDE:

Error:   Could not find or load main class...

And your application doesn’t run. So go to the Window -> Show View -> Problems

The Problems tab appears. You can see all warnings and errors that prevents your application from running. And you should see that some jar libraries is missing.

Well, what to do to fix that?

Right click on your project name -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Order and Export tab

Check if some of these libraries are missing. You should see the word “missing” at the end of the entries. If so, go to Libraries tab -> Select all external libraries (for example, I have common-logging libraries and spring framework libraries) -> click Remove button to delete them ( do not remove JRE System Library!)

Now, export all these external libraries another time.

Click Add External JARs -> search your libraries (common-logging libraries and spring framework libraries in my project) on your HDD to export them another time -> OK

Back to Order and Export Tab -> you should see the exported libraries without “missing” at the end of the entries -> OK

Try to run your project.

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